Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Tuesday Tid-bits

Do you ever wonder why we have "advanced" so much, and yet have forgotten how simple parenting used to be?

Really think about how things were done 100 years ago. There wasn't all these gadgets, internet, tv, etc. Kids played outside, with other kids-IN PERSON. You wanted to talk to someone you wrote a letter. Kids had pen pals in school.

So much has changed, and we have forgotten our roots. We overlook how hard our grandparents struggled with the times changing. It didn't matter whether you had things, it mattered how you treated people.

One luxury I wouldn't want to give back is how cloth has changed. I definitely would want that to stay the same.

Monday, December 30, 2013

Monday Morning Thoughts

I seriously cannot get enough of this little girl in cloth! 

Being a parent today is rough. I mean, seriously, look at everything. You have to make decisions every day based on what other think of you, your discipline, and your child's behavior. 

Let's look at this, you choose to cloth diaper but you formula feed, for whatever reason that's your choice. You get ridiculed and looked down on by people not only because of your choice to cloth diaper (Oh, how nasty!) but because you chose to give your child formula. It's a lose lose world out there. 

So, what do I say? Do what's right for your family. It may not be popular, it may not be what people consider the "norm." THEY aren't raising your child, YOU are! If you want to be the crunchiest of crunchy, then you rock that the best way you can.

What we don't need is people making it so parents give up, there's already too much of that. Be the parent you want to be and strive to be the best! Don't back down from your stance. You know what's best for your baby and your family!

Friday, December 27, 2013

Cuteness in Fluff?

OK, so I love my cloth diapers, right? Well, let me show you how cute my sweet baby girl is in her cloth!

She's almost 5 months old, breast fed only, and 18 lbs.

This is a size 1 Sunbaby pocket, and the rise is completely unsnapped (one size). I'm hoping she won't out grow these too quickly! Once she's mobile she should slim down those thighs a little!

Another Day, Another Dollar

Being a parent is draining on your time, energy, and pocket book! What do you do to find ways to save?

When we found out we were expecting our daughter, I wanted to cloth diaper. My husband was unsure in the beginning, but when he saw how cloth has changed he was all for it. We compared the cost of disposables, and we bought used cloth, and we saved quite a bit of money.

Washing hasn't been an issue, other than when you forget you have diapers in the wash! LOL That poses a slight problem. A quick wash cycle and they're ready to hang/dry. Figuring out your wash routine is tricky, since everyone has a different opinion on what works best. Ultimately it's up to you and how you feel works to your advantage.

Honestly, using cloth isn't nearly as impossible as your friends and family make it out to be. Just because they used cloth 30-40 years ago doesn't mean anything today. It's completely different, and yet exactly the same! Cloth has come a long way and is WAY cuter than disposables!

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Welcome To Covered In Cloth

I would like to personally welcome all of you to Covered In Cloth! I am so excited to be bringing to you my views and ideas on parenting, then and now, diapering and rearing children in general!
Much more will be added as 2014 gets underway. We have our website in the process of being built, so please be patient with that. I will be adding a loan program, and a cloth diaper parties once I get thing rolling a little more.
I cannot wait to see where this adventure goes, and am so excited to educate on the amazing benefits of cloth diapering!
I do hope you'll stick around and enjoy reading and being a part of the community!

You can find us on Facebook at: