Monday, December 30, 2013

Monday Morning Thoughts

I seriously cannot get enough of this little girl in cloth! 

Being a parent today is rough. I mean, seriously, look at everything. You have to make decisions every day based on what other think of you, your discipline, and your child's behavior. 

Let's look at this, you choose to cloth diaper but you formula feed, for whatever reason that's your choice. You get ridiculed and looked down on by people not only because of your choice to cloth diaper (Oh, how nasty!) but because you chose to give your child formula. It's a lose lose world out there. 

So, what do I say? Do what's right for your family. It may not be popular, it may not be what people consider the "norm." THEY aren't raising your child, YOU are! If you want to be the crunchiest of crunchy, then you rock that the best way you can.

What we don't need is people making it so parents give up, there's already too much of that. Be the parent you want to be and strive to be the best! Don't back down from your stance. You know what's best for your baby and your family!

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