Thursday, January 2, 2014

Throw Back Thursdays

 Throw Back Thursday. Me pregnant. This was my second pregnancy. The picture at the underneath on left starts at bottom right and goes up. THEN the picture underneath on the right is the same way bottom right. yeah I did it backwards, it's ok. I was so happy when I found out we were having a girl! My little family is complete with our baby girl. If we decide to have another it would just add too. But, I think we're both happy with the three we have, even if we decide not too try again.

What a blessing pregnancy is! The ability to grow a human. It's what we were designed to do. With that being said, I know so many who cannot do this. It breaks my heart and pains me greatly to see and know that what I can do causes them such heartache. But you know what? They adopt! And it's just as beautiful to see a family with a brand new baby, no matter how that sweet thing got put into their lives! 

Being a parent, isn't always about giving birth, it's so much more than that! The connection with your child to do what's best, and to love unconditionally. There are some people who are parents and by all rights and reasons shouldn't be. They may have wanted too, but when it came down to it they flaked. It's happened; I've seen it. And it's so hard on the kids; life long issues that could have been avoided.
ANYWAY, back to me! LOL I was blessed with three pregnancies. Two of which were carried to term. In between my 8 year old and my 4 month old I was pregnant and miscarried at 10 weeks. My body didn't seem to get the memo that there was no baby to grow, and it kept trying until I was almost into my second trimester. It was rough, and it hurt, and I was broken. I still wonder what he/she would look like today at 4 years old. But dwelling on the past gets you no where. That baby will always be in my heart, and soul.

My two viable pregnancies were easy, no seriously complications. I was blessed with not having morning sickness, wasn't bedridden, etc. I gained quite a bit of weight each time, and my doctor told me numerous times,  BOTH times that I needed to slow down! I had two beautiful and healthy babies. Phoenix was born at 9 lbs even, and Rosslyn was 8 lbs 11 oz. 

So, this is my Throw Back Thursday. Remembering how blessed I was with the 2 pregnancies I was able to hold in my arms and kiss every day! What's your Throw Back Thursday memory?

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