Sunday, January 12, 2014

Why Covered In Cloth?

Let me give you some back story as to why I started Covered In Cloth.

A couple years ago I had met up with some online friends for the weekend. They both used cloth on their babes, and actually Anne makes diapers! Once I saw how easy it was, and realized that the idea behind cloth diapering wasn't really as horrible as everyone had said. I decided to do some research, and oh man was there a lot of research to do!

Between lingo, brands, types, systems, and the list goes on and on, my head got lost and floated away. So I had to stop. LOL I started asking questions, finding blogs, you name it I was doing it. I wanted to know everything I could to make an educated decision as to why using cloth diapers was best for our family. I will tell you now, had Anne not been such a great friend and helped me so much, I probably would have given up and not done it.

Fast forward to the end of 2012, I find out I'm pregnant. I have done the research and I am going for it. When we find we're having a girl! I am so happy to have a little girl! I decide pocket diapers are the best choice for us. I have made one silly purchase, and it was the Gerber prefolds, ya know, the ones with the thick centers? Yeah, not absorbent at all! Burp rags, yeah, diapers, no chance.

My daughter has been in cloth for 5 months now! Is it more work? Sure, washing diapers is an every 2 to 3 day job. Is it worth it? Absolutely! They are so stinking cute and easy to use, that I decided to start Covered In Cloth!

So many people have no clue how cloth diapers have changed over the years, and I got several nasty comment and looks when I mentioned that we were going to do cloth! People telling me how nasty they are, well, to that I say, "No more nasty than cleaning a poopy blow out from a disposable!" You cannot tell me it's nasty, if you've ever been covered in baby spit up, had to wash poopy clothes, etc. Babies are messy, they're nasty at times, and yup, we still love them to pieces.

SO, Covered In Cloth is my way to educate people who don't know how far cloth has come. It's a loan program dedicated to helping people who want to try cloth but don't want to invest all the money and then not like it. I want a way for everyone, not just low income families, to have a way to get cloth to rent diapers.

Cloth diaper parties. Fun with cloth! Let's do it, a fun family oriented party to get cloth diapers, and so much more! Who doesn't like a party?

Meetings for breastfeeding, cloth diapering, and more! Why can't we support our parents, and start conversations that some people may not want to talk about! Parenting is hard, and even harder for a first time parent!

There ya go! Covered In Cloth covers every aspect of parenting, babies, kids, and so much more! I am so excited to bring you a one stop destination to all things parenting! Cloth diapers is just an added BONUS!

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